
Friday, March 19, 2010

Easter Craft

Easter Basket Craft
This craft is really a fun for the kids as a part of their Easter activity. Change a strawberry basket into a colorful Easter basket - just the thing for sprouting Easter grass in, or it can also be used for housing a cotton ball chick, and making a small centerpiece.

Materials Required
  • Strawberry basket
  • Pipe cleaners for handle
  • Colored paper or ribbon strips
  • Scissors
  • Grass, shredded paper etc. to fill the basket
How To Make
  1. Knit strips of paper or ribbon in and out of the holes in the basket.
  2. Then make the handle out of pipe cleaners, if desired.
  3. Fill the basket with some Easter 'grass' or shredded paper, and then add some small goodies.
  4. Now you will be in a position of growing some real Easter grass in your Easter basket.
source: happyeaster .org .uk

More Easter Crafts

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